Title III Course Redesign – Year 6
Course Redesign – Year 6
Four teams worked in conjunction with the Title-III Curriculum Specialist and Project/Activity Director in Year 6 of the grant. Year 6 was funded by a carry-over of funds from the previous grant year, and allowed a greater number of courses to be revised to enhance student success. The four courses that participated in the Title-III process in Year 6 were: English Composition I, U.S. History – 1877 to Present, Modern Humanities, and Introductory Nutrition.
Faculty teams assessed the strengths and weaknesses in their courses and, with the help of the Curriculum Specialist and Project/Activity Director, crafted objectives, assessments, activities, and resources that would work together to increase student engagement and success. Included in this assessment and revision process was the incorporation of various online applications that supported ever-increasing online-course enrollment, such as H5P, VoiceThread, and Zoom.
Faculty Training on Revised Curriculum
At the completion of the process, the teams delivered a training on the changes and updates to the courses for all faculty members who would be teaching the course in upcoming terms. Faculty were also presented with resources and instructional strategies to utilize in order to increase collaboration and success among students.