Title III Classroom Redesign – Year 5
Classroom Redesign – Year 5
Classrooms Redesigned: AEH 2E1, SEM 1R1, SEM 1R3, and SS 1H1
During Year 5 of the grant, four classrooms were redesigned in order to accommodate multiple learning modalities and configurations. These rooms were outfitted with moveable furnishings that allow instructors and students to construct various arrangements, resulting in the promotion of student collaboration and engagement.
Before the Redesign
AEH 2E1 |
SS 1H1 |
SEM 1R1 |
SEM 1R3 |
After the Redesign
AEH 2E1 |
SS 1H1 |
SEM 1R1 |
SEM 1R3 |