3001 | Payroll | 12-20-94 |
3002 | Petty Cash | 12-07-98 |
3003 | Travel Procedures | 08-04-03 |
3004 | Purchasing | 08-22-23 |
3010 | Campus Solicitation Procedure | 12-20-94 |
3011 | Student Enrollment, Supplemental, and Special Fees | 08-04-03 |
3015 | Procedures for Checking Out College Vehicles | 12-07-98 |
3016 | Transportation | 08-20-01 |
3023 | Telephone Service | 08-20-01 |
3025 | Miscellaneous Emergency Purchase Reimbursement | 12-20-94 |
3030 | Surplus Property and Asset Disposal | 02-10-20 |
3032 | Contract Policy | 1-31-25 |
3034 | Bookstore | 05-23-16 |
3036 | Federal Funds Purchasing Policy | 02-27-23 |
3037 | Federal Grants Cash Management | 02-10-20 |
3038 | Federal Grants Allowable Costs | 02-10-20 |
3040 | Access to Buildings and Facilities during Non-Operational Hours | 11-01-12 |
3041 | Budget Preparation | 08-04-03 |
3042 | Budget Control | 12-20-94 |
3043 | Budget and Allocation Changes | 12-20-94 |
3044 | Archives and Records Disposition | 12-07-98 |
3045 | Risk Management Program | 05-29-12 |
3046 | Food Service and Special Events Procedures | 12-20-94 |
3047 | Traffic and Parking Procedures | 01-18-05 |
3048 | Safety and Security of Students, Employees, and Visitors | 09-26-16 |
3049 | Evening & Weekend Emergency Response | 09-24-01 |
3050 | Lost and Found | 12-07-98 |
3051 | Master Action Planning Process | 12-20-94 |
3052 | Procedure for Initiating a Research Study | 10-01-00 |
3053 | Report Submission | 12-07-98 |
3054 | Grants Management Process | 09-27-04 |
3055 | OCCC Foundation Funding | 11-11-19 |
3058 | Acceptable Use Policy – Information Technology Resources | 05-10-23 |
3059 | Internet Publishing Standards | 10-29-01 |
3060 | Revenue Collection Procedure | 04-03-06 |
3061 | Access to Integrated Information System Data and Passwords | 05-17-10 |
3062 | Facilities and Equipment Use and Rental | 08-04-03 |
3063 | Internet/Intranet Accessibility Standards | 05-12-03 |
3064 | Post Critical Incident Procedures | 05-12-03 |
3065 | Use of Force | 05-12-03 |
3066 | International Travel | 05-29-12 |
3067 | Oklahoma City Community College Sponsored Off-Campus Activities | 05-29-12 |
3068 | Time and Effort Certification Procedures for Sponsored Agreements | 11-14-05 |
3069 | Space Allocation | 09-11-17 |
3070 | Risk Management for Clinical, Practicum and Internship Programs – OCCC Students | 05-29-12 |
3071 | Disposal of Hazardous Waste, Chemical Waste and Unused Chemicals | 03-04-13 |
3072 | Environmental Health and Safety Program | 01-07-13 |
3073 | Alcoholic Beverage Policy | 08-09-24 |
3074 | Use of Human Powered Personal Conveyance Vehicles | 05-09-16 |
3075 | Use of Motor or Battery Powered Personal Conveyance Vehicles | 05-09-16 |
3076 | Severe Weather | 3-5-24 |
3077 | Winter Weather | 3-5-24 |