Touring Attractions Serapion Duo
Touring Attractions
Phone: (405) 682-7576
Box Office: (405) 682-7579
7777 South May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73159
Serapion Duo
THE SERAPION DUO, is composed of Dr. Tess Remy-Schumacher and Dr. Michael Staudt. They have performed in various international locales including Italy and Thailand, receiving praise for their musicianship and mastery of technique. Dr. Tess Remy-Schumacher, cello, was born in Cologne. Amongst her teachers are Boris Pergamenschikow, Jacqueline du Pre, William Pleeth, Lynn Harrell and the "Amadeus Quartet". Since 1992, Dr. RemySchumacher has been on the faculty at James Cook University, Australia and she has just joined the faculty at the University of Central Oklahoma in 1998. Michael Staudt, piano, received his musical training in Germany and the Unites States. In 1990, he won 1st prize with Tess Remy-Schumacher in the International Carlo-Zecchi-Competition in Rome.
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