Pandemic Oklahoma State and Local Planning
- 2009 H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)
- Basic Components of Pandemic Flu Planning
- Checklists
- Disease, Prevention, Preparedness
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Good Health Habits for Preventing the Flu
- Guillain-Barr Syndrome (GBS)
- H1N1 Influenza Vaccine FAQ’s
- Helpful Links
- Individuals & Families Planning
- Key Facts about Influenza (Flu) Vaccine
- Oklahoma State and Local Planning
- Oklahoma State and Local Planning & Response Activities
- Pandemic Flu Planning
- Ten things you need to know about pandemic influenza
- Terms and Facts
- The Great Pandemic of 1918
- What is a pandemic?
Oklahoma State and Local Planning
Federal Help for Oklahoma Planning
Oklahoma received $1,352,695 in phase one funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to use for pandemic planning activities. Oklahoma will also receive additional funds of $2,820,254 from the revised phase two of Health and Human Services local and state allocations. This amount is based on a formula adjusted for population.
Phase I Allocation Press Release
Phase II Allocation Press Release
Oklahoma Pandemic Influenza Management Plan
State Contacts
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, & Forestry
P.O. Box 528804
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152-8804
Phone: (405) 521-3864
Fax: (405) 522-0909
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
P.O. Box 53465
Oklahoma City OK 73152-3465
Phone: (405) 521-4660
Fax: (405) 521-6505
Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 North East 10th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Phone: (405) 271-5600
Fax: (405) 271-3431