Pandemic Oklahoma State and Local Planning & Response Activities
- 2009 H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)
- Basic Components of Pandemic Flu Planning
- Checklists
- Disease, Prevention, Preparedness
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Good Health Habits for Preventing the Flu
- Guillain-Barr Syndrome (GBS)
- H1N1 Influenza Vaccine FAQ’s
- Helpful Links
- Individuals & Families Planning
- Key Facts about Influenza (Flu) Vaccine
- Oklahoma State and Local Planning
- Oklahoma State and Local Planning & Response Activities
- Pandemic Flu Planning
- Ten things you need to know about pandemic influenza
- Terms and Facts
- The Great Pandemic of 1918
- What is a pandemic?
Oklahoma State and Local Planning & Response Activities
Oklahoma received $1,352,695 in phase one funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to use for pandemic planning activities. Oklahoma will also receive additional funds of $2,820,254 from the revised phase two of Health and Human Services local and state allocations. This amount is based on a formula adjusted for population.
Phase I Allocation Press Release
Phase II Allocation Press Release
State Activities
The state of Oklahoma, HHS, and other federal agencies held a pandemic planning summit on May 18, 2006, with public health and emergency management and response leaders within the state.
- State and Federal Leaders Convene Pandemic Influenza Summit, Meeting draws more than 400 Leaders to Oklahoma City
- Bird Flu Movie Prompts State Health and Agriculture Concerns - Oklahoma State Departments of Health and of Agriculture
- Oklahoma Pandemic Influenza Management Plan (DRAFT) (PDF) (1.57MB)
- Public Health Fact Sheet: Oklahoma Pandemic Influenza Management (PDF) (38KB) - Oklahoma State Department of Health
- Influenza Facts, Updates and Resources (see lower left side for pandemic and avian flu resources) - Oklahoma State Department of Health
- Avian Influenza (PDF) (52KB) - Oklahoma State Department of Health
- The Great Pandemic of 1918: Oklahoma
State Contacts
Contact Information for the Departments of Agriculture, Wildlife and Public Health
Find information on how to contact these departments in Oklahoma, by mail and by phone. When available, fax numbers and Web addresses are also provided