Online Students Online Tutoring
Online Tutoring
Oklahoma City Community College has partnered with
to Provide On-demand Student Tutoring
Available: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
except for the following:
- Accounting & Economics:
Monday through Friday: 3 pm EST to 8 pm, Saturday: 8 am to 11 am
- Bilingual Math:
By appointment. Please email to schedule a session.
- Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, and Physics:
8:30 AM to 10:30 PM
The following subjects/courses will be supported:
- Accounting - Intro
- Accounting
- Algebra
- Bilingual Math (Spanish-English)
- Calculate with Confidence
- Calculus
- Chemistry
- Economics
- Essay Writing Review
- Geometry
- Math (Basic-Calculus II)
- Physics
- Statistics
Your username is: first initial + last name + "." + MMDD of your birthday + "." + "ok"
(example: rsmith.0527.ok = Rick Smith born on May 27)
Your password is: occc