Office of Compliance, Accountability, and Title IX Americans with Disabilities Act Reasonable Accommodations
Reasonable Accommodations
Workplace Accommodations
Every qualified job applicant and employee (including teaching faculty, non-exempt and exempt staff, and student employees) with a disability at OCCC is entitled to reasonable accommodation in order to enable the employee to perform the essential functions of his or her position. An accommodation is a reasonable modification or adjustment to the work environment that enables a qualified person with a disability to perform the essential functions of a position, or enjoy the same benefits and privileges of employment as are enjoyed by non-disabled employees. Examples of reasonable accommodations include: making existing facilities used by employees readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, modifying work schedules, acquiring or modifying equipment or devices, adjusting or modifying examinations, training materials, or policies, providing qualified readers or interpreters, reassigning marginal job functions, and reassignment to a vacant position.
A qualified employee with a disability who would like to receive a reasonable accommodation should:
Information Request: Begin the process by accessing the ADA Request for Reasonable Accommodation Information Request Form. The information request form will contain all required ADA forms that the employee will need to complete and submit.
Intake Meeting: Once all required ADA forms are complete and submitted, the ADA Coordinator will reach out to the employee to conduct the initial intake meeting. During the meeting, the ADA Coordinator and employee will review the nature of the employee’s disability and request accommodation. Please note: The ADA Coordinator may ask for additional documentation of the employee’s medical condition, and based on that information, will determine whether a reasonable accommodation is appropriate based on the impact of a disability.
Interactive Process: Once the ADA Coordinator conducts an intake meeting and receives all employee’s documentation, the ADA Coordinator will engage in an interactive process with the employee. This interactive process consists of discussion among the employee, the employee’s supervisor, and the ADA Coordinator in an effort to determine the most appropriate workplace accommodation. Please note: If the interactive process does not result in mutual agreement, the Office of the ADA Coordinator will determine the most appropriate accommodation.
Accommodation Letter: Once the interactive process is completed, the ADA Coordinator will provide the employee, the employee’s supervisor, and skip-level supervisor with a letter outlining the employee’s accommodations.
Information acquired by the ADA Coordinator or Disability Services including disability information, medical information or diagnoses, psychological information, case notes, and records will be maintained confidentially. Information relating to a person’s disability is confidential and may only be released with the person’s permission. In limited circumstances, sharing of disability-related information is permissible on a need-to-know basis. For example, when a student makes a request and is approved for an academic adjustment in a particular course, the details of the approved adjustment, not the disability, would be shared with the instructor of the student’s course. Likewise, when an employee receives a workplace accommodation, only the details of the accommodation are shared with the employee’s supervisor.
Persons with disabilities are not required to accept an academic adjustment, accommodation, auxiliary aid, or service, even where the benefit might appear obvious to others.
Contact Information & Alternative Methods of Form Submission
Should employees have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Carolyn Eastlin, ADA Coordinator, by phone: 405-682-7850 or email:
Employees may submit all forms and supporting documentation in-person or by mail as well.
Return/submit all forms to: Attn: Dr. Carolyn Eastlin
ADA Coordinator
Oklahoma City Community College
John Massey Center
7777 S. May Avenue
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73519
Any students seeking to request reasonable accommodations should contact Disability Services through the Office of Student Accessibility and Support.