Tuition Waiver Program
Who is eligible?
All regular full-time employees, their spouses and dependent children, and all regular part-time employees are eligible for the OCCC Tuition Waiver Program.
What does the waiver cover?
Regular Full-Time Employees: For any OCCC course(s) taken for credit, OCCC waives tuition for up to thirty (30) credit hours per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). OCCC does not waive the cost of any related fees, books or other materials.
Part-Time Employees: For any OCCC course(s) taken for credit, OCCC waives tuition for up to fifteen (15) credit hours per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). 10.2.3 Spouses and Dependent Children of Full-Time Employees: For any OCCC course taken for credit, OCCC waives tuition for up to thirty (30) credit hours per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) for the spouse and each dependent child. OCCC does not waive the cost of any related fees, books or other materials.
Retirees and their Spouses are eligible for up to fifteen (15) credit hours per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). OCCC does not waive the cost of any related fees, books or other materials.”
How do you participate in the Tuition Waiver Program?
Tuition waivers are not automatically applied and must be requested by the employee prior to the beginning of each semester.
To participate in the Tuition Waiver Program, you should complete a Tuition Waiver Request within ten (10) days of the beginning of the semester and email to The Tuition Waiver Request Form can be located on the Employee Portal under “Benefits Forms”.
Once the Tuition Waiver is approved, it will be submitted to the Bursar’s Office for the waiver to be placed on the student’s account. It is the employee’s responsibility to contact the Bursar’s Office to ensure the waiver has been applied.
Per OCCC’s policy, any student who withdraws from the class prior to completion or fails to earn a grade of C or the equivalent will be required to reimburse the College for the tuition waived for the semester.
For more information on Tuition Waivers, visit Policy 2300 of the Oklahoma City Community College Policies and Procedures.