Graduation Services What is Reverse Transfer?
What is Reverse Transfer?
A reverse transfer involves using credits from a student’s current or previous institution and transferring those back to the community college they previously attended in order to award an Associate’s degree. The student must have taken at least 15 college credits at Oklahoma City Community College to qualify.
Why should I get an Associate’s degree?
You should get credit for taking the appropriate classes needed to earn an Associate degree! By having this credential while working on your Bachelor’s degree it can also make you more marketable! The Associate in Science (A.S.) or Associate in Arts (A.A.) will also satisfy most general education requirements at the 4-year college which will allow you to be waived from certain requirements, helping you potentially save time and money!
What does it cost and what do I have to do?
Applying for graduation is free at OCCC! Contact the Graduation Services Office to see how close you are. They will be able to evaluate how close you are to a degree. If you qualify for a degree, they will be able to take care of all of the paperwork with you over the phone, via e-mail, or in person.
OCCC Graduation Services Contacts
Rhonda Uffen, Graduation Coordinator
We currently have reverse transfer agreements with all of the schools below. Talk with OCCC’s Graduation office or your University advisor for more information!