Employees Ramirez Raul
Division of Science, Engineering & Mathematics
Programs: Biological Sciences
Introductory Nutrition
General Biology
General Biology I (Majors)
General Zoology
EXT 7702
Office Location: SEM 2C3B
I am currently serving as the Biology program co-coordinator and as course co-coordinator for General Biology I and General Biology II (Majors). I received my B.S. at the University of Oklahoma and my M.S. at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. As a student I focused my studies on freshwater fish ecology and consider myself an ichthyologist (study of fish). Although I have not conducted research recently I still attend scientific meetings when possible and regularly read scientific journal articles to keep myself informed on what’s new in the sciences. The thing I love most about science is that you are continuously learning new things about the world around us.
7777 S. May Ave.
7777 South May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK