Online, Hybrid, & Concurrent CLT Training Courses
Online Instructor Training Course April 7th-May 4th, 2025 | All online faculty, whether adjunct or full-time, are required to take and successfully complete this course. Program chairs/directors or deans email Ms. Carolyn Woodhouse by 2:00 PM Friday, April 4th to enroll faculty in this required 4-week and asynchronous online Moodle course. |
Hybrid Instructor Training Course April 7th-April 27th, 2025 | All hybrid faculty, whether adjunct or full-time, are required to take and successfully complete this course. Program chairs/directors or deans email Ms. Carolyn Woodhouse by 2:00 PM Friday, April 4th, to enroll faculty in this required 3-week and asynchronous online Moodle course. |
Online Course Designer Training Course* *New & improved, with AI options and updated content! | All faculty, full-time or adjunct, can enroll themselves in this optional 5-week and asynchronous online Moodle course using this registration link. Faculty will also earn a micro-credential for successful course completion. The registration deadline is 2:00 PM Friday, April 4th, and you must be logged into your OCCC Microsoft account to fill out the form. |
Hybrid Course Designer Training Course* *New & improved, with AI options and updated content! | All faculty, full-time or adjunct, can enroll themselves in this optional 5-week and asynchronous online Moodle course using this registration link. Faculty will also earn a micro-credential for successful course completion. The registration deadline is 2:00 PM Friday, April 4th, and you must be logged into your OCCC Microsoft account to fill out the form. |
Concurrent Classroom Management Training Course | All concurrent faculty should have ongoing access to this Moodle course that contains resources and information on teaching college-level courses and engaging students in a K-12 environment. If you do not see this course on your “my courses” page, please email for enrollment. |
New Full-Time Faculty Meetings 2024-2025 with the CLT
New Full-Time Faculty Cohort Meetings 2024-2025 | All new full-time faculty members are required to attend first-year cohort meetings, which will include important information for a successful first year experience, training from the Center for Learning and Teaching Director and staff, and as educational technology training. More information about meeting times and locations will be determined and communicated throughout the year. We also now have additional resources for those who are brand new to education via a “New to Teaching Circle”. Here is a link to this year’s meeting schedule. |
Upcoming CLT Trainings & Workshops
Padlet for Beginners: The Ultimate Online Collaboration Tool | Learn how to get started using Padlet! Click the link below to attend our upcoming Zoom training to discover how Padlet can revolutionize collaboration and communication within your classroom or department. Learn practical tips for how to get started with Padlet to create and customize Padlet boards to support curriculum development, online engagement, faculty meetings, projects, and more. Explore how to foster creativity, share resources, and gather feedback effectively using this versatile online platform. *Please note you must be logged into your OCCC Zoom account to attend this session. |
Gamify Your Classroom or Meeting with Kahoot! | Unleash the power of gamification with Kahoot! Click the link below to attend our upcoming Zoom training and learn how Kahoot! can transform learning and engagement through the power of gamification. This beginner training will help you learn practical tips for creating interactive quizzes, polls, and challenges that boost student participation, knowledge retention, and morale. Explore how to use Kahoot! for formative assessment, team building, training, and more. Get ready to make learning fun and memorable, while fostering a more engaged and connected community through the excitement of game-based learning. *Please note you must be logged into your OCCC Zoom account to attend this session. |
Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) in Moodle: A Training for Engaging Online Learners | Ready to take your online courses to the next level? The Center for Learning and Teaching and Online College are offering training for all OCCC faculty and staff on Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) in online courses. In this training, you’ll learn how to: Master RSI: Understand the importance of regular and substantive interaction (RSI) in online learning and how to implement it effectively. Go Beyond the Basics: Explore exciting ways to go beyond lectures and grades, fostering active learning through discussions, feedback, and live sessions. Get Students Involved: Learn how to encourage active participation and critical thinking in your online courses. Moodle Mastery: Unlock the power of Moodle tools like Forums, Chat, and Workshop to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment. *Please note you must be logged into your OCCC Zoom account to attend this session. |
Learn to Love Grading with GradeScope | Want the benefits of paper assignments without the grading burden? GradeScope can help streamline grading handwritten assignments, replace scantron sheets, provide another way to assign online work, and more! The CLT is offering a 6-month GradeScope trial for all OCCC faculty. It is an AI-assisted grading platform that helps instructors create dynamic rubrics, give personalized feedback, and track student progress. Join one of our practical training sessions facilitated by OCCC Mathematics Professor Cory Wilson and discover how this tool can save time and enhance student learning. Faculty will learn how to create and grade assignments, leave feedback, and how students can access and use GradeScope. This training will also provide use cases across disciplines and resources for how to get started to get the most out of this exciting tool. *Please note you must be logged into your OCCC Zoom account to attend this session. |
Upcoming World Languages & Cultures Center (WLCC) Events at OCCC
Faculty & Staff: Our friends at the World Languages & Cultures Center (WLCC) would like for everyone to be aware of their upcoming professional development events for this semester! Please visit the links below, and if you have any questions, email Chiaki Troutman at