Curriculum and Assessment Transfer Agreements by Institution
The purpose of transfer agreements (also known as articulation agreements or 2+2 agreements) is to facilitate an easy transfer process for students. These agreements between OCCC and other institutions give students information about transferring and outline clear degree pathways for students.
2020-2021 Catalog Year
- Articulation Agreements November 2020
- AAS Computer-Aided Technology-Geographic Information Systems and BA Cartography-Geotechniques
- AS Business and BS Accounting
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Allied Health and BS Biology
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Allied Health and BS Biology-Health Science
- AS Biology and BS Biology
- AS Biology and BS Biology-Clinical Laboratory
- AS Biology and BS Biology-Ecology
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Entrepreneurship
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Finance
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-General Business
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Management
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Marketing
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Management Information Systems
- AS Biology and BA Cartography-Geotechniques
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry-Biochemistry
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry-Teacher Certification
- AA Speech and Theatre-Theatre and BA Communication and Performance Studies-Musical Theatre Option
- AA Speech and Theatre-Theatre and BA Communication and Performance Studies-Theatre
- AA Speech and Theatre-Speech and BA Communication and Performance Studies
- AS Computer Science and BS Computer Science
- AS Pre-Education and BS Early Childhood Education
- AS Pre-Education and BS Elementary Education
- AA Humanities and BA English
- AA Humanities and BA English-Teacher Certification
- AS Biology and BS Environmental Health
- AS Diversified Studies and BS Human Development, Hospitality, and Food Science
- AA History and BA History
- AA History and BA History-Teacher Certification
- AA Sociology and BA Human Services Counseling-Aging
- AA Sociology and BA Human Services Counseling
- AA Sociology and BA Human Services Counseling-Rehabilitation
- AS Community/Public Health and BS Kinesiology
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BS Legal Studies
- AA Journalism and Broadcasting-Public Relations and BS Mass Communication-Advertising and Public Relations
- AA Journalism and Broadcasting-Public Relations and BS Mass Communication-Media Production
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics-Pre-Actuary
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics-Teacher Certification
- AA Music and BA Music-Instrumental
- AA Music and BA Music-Instrumental Teacher Certification
- AA Music and BA Music-Vocal
- AA Music and BA Music-Vocal Teacher Certification
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing and BS Nursing
- AS Physics and BS Physics
- AS Physics and BS Physics-Medical Physics
- AS Physics and BS Physics-Teacher Certification
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BA Political Science
- AS Pre-Pharmacy and BS Chemistry
- AA Psychology and BS Psychology
- AA Sociology and BS Social Work
2019-2020 Catalog Year
- Articulation Agreements November 2019
- AA History and BA History
- AA History and BA History Teacher Certification
- AA Humanities and BA English
- AA Humanities and BA English Teacher Certification
- AA Journalism and Broadcasting/Public Relations and BS Mass Communication-Advertising and Public Relations
- AA Journalism and Broadcasting/Public Relations and Mass Communication-Mass Media
- AA Music and BA Music Instrumental
- AA Music and BA Music Instrumental Teacher Certification
- AA Music and BA Music Vocal
- AA Music and BA Music Vocal Teacher Certification
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BS Legal Studies
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BS Political Science
- AA Psychology and BS Psychology
- AA Sociology and BA Human Services Counseling-Aging
- AA Sociology and BA Human Services Counseling
- AA Sociology and Bachelor of Social Work
- AA Speech and Theatre Arts-Theatre Option and BA Communication and Performance Studies-Musical Theatre Option
- AA Speech and Theatre Arts-Speech Option and BA Communication and Performance Studies
- AA Speech and Theatre Arts-Theatre Option and BA Communication and Performance Studies
- AAS Computer-Aided Technology/Geographic Information Systems to BA Cartography
- AS Biology and BS Biology
- AS Biology and BS Biology Teacher Certification
- AS Biology and BS Biology-Ecology
- AS Biology and BS Cartography-Geotechniques
- AS Biology and BS Environmental Health
- AS Business and BS Accounting
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Entrepreneurship
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Finance
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-General Business
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Management
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Marketing
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-MIS
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry-Biochemistry
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry Teacher Certification
- AS Community/Public Health and BS Kinesiology
- AS Computer Science and BS Computer Science
- AS Diversified Studies and BS Human Development, Hospitality, and Food Science
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Allied Health and BS Biology
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Allied Health and BS Biology Health Science
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing and BS Nursing
- AS Pre-Education and BS Early Childhood Education
- AS Pre-Education and BS Elementary Education
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics/Pre-Actuary
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics Teacher Certification
- AS Physics and BS Physics
- AS Physics and BS Physics-Medical Physics
- AS Physics and BS Physics Teacher Certification
- AS Pre-Dentistry and BS Chemistry-Biochemistry
- AS Pre-Medicine and BS Biology
- AS Pre-Medicine and BS Biology-Molecular Biology
- AS Pre-Medicine and BS Chemistry
- AS Pre-Pharmacy and BS Chemistry
- Dual Admission Nursing
- AAS Nursing and BS Nursing
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing and BS Nursing
- AA History and BA History
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BA History/Pre-Law
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BS History/Pre-Law
- AA Political Science and BS Political Science
- AA Psychology and BA Psychology
- AA Psychology and BS Psychology
- AS Business and Bachelor of Business Administration
- AS Computer Science and BS Computer Science
2023-2024 Catalog Year
- Additional Renewed Agreements
- AA in Art — Visual Art to BFA in Art — Studio Art
- AA in Art — Visual Art to BA in Education — Art Education
- AS in Biology — Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing to BS in Nursing
- AA in Child Development to BS in Human Development and Family Services — Child Development
- AA in Diversified Studies to BA in Education — English Education
- AS in Diversified Studies to BS in Occupational Safety
- AA in History to BA in History — Museum Studies
- AA in Humanities to BA in English
- AA in Humanities to BA in English — Creative Writing
- AA in Humanities to BA in Humanities
- AA in Humanities to BA in Philosophy
- AA in Humanities to BA in Technical Writing
- AA in Journalism — Journalism and Broadcast/Journalism to BA in Mass Communication — Professional Media
- AA in Music to Bachelor of Music in Education — Music Education
- AA in Political Science/Pre-Law to BA in Political Science
- AS in Pre-Education to BS in Education — Early Childhood Education
- AS in Pre-Education to BS in Education — Elementary Education
- AA in Sociology to BA in Sociology — Sociology, Human Services, and Substance Abuse Studies
2022-2023 Catalog Year
- Additional Renewed Agreements
- AA in Child Development to BS in Human Dev and Family Sciences-Child Development
- AA/AS in Diversified Studies to BA in Applied Liberal Arts
- AA/AS in Diversified Studies to BS in Organizational Leadership
- AA/AS in Liberal Studies to BA in Applied Liberal Arts
- AA in Psychology to BS in Psychology
- AS in Biology to BS in Biology
- AS in Chemistry to BS in Chemistry
- AS in Computer Science to BS in Computer Science
- AS in Computer Science to BS in Computer Science (Applied)
- AS in Computer Science to BS in Computer Science (Information Science)
- AS in Computer Science to BS in Software Engineering
- AS in Pre-Education to BS in Education – Early Childhood Education
2020-2021 Catalog Year
- AA Child Development and BS Family Life Education-Child Development
- AAS Child Development, AAS Child Development-Administrator and BS Family Life Education-Child Development
- AA Music and BM Music-Instrumental Performance, BM Ed Music Education
- AA Psychology and BA Psychology
- AS Biology and BS Biology-Medical Laboratory Science Updated
- AS Business and BS/BBA Business
- List of transfer agreements with UCO for 2020-2021
2019-2020 Catalog Year
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BA Political Science
- AA Music and BAT Audio Production
- AA Child Development and BS Family Life Education-Child Development
- AAS Child Development, AAS Child Development-Administrator and BS Family Life Education-Child Development
- AS Computer Science and BS Computer Science, BS Computer Science-Applied, BS Computer Science-Information Science, BS Software Engineering
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry, BS Chemistry-ACS Cert, BS Chemistry-Health Sciences
- AS Biology and BS Biology, BS Biology-Medical Laboratory, BS Biology-Biomedical Science
- AS Business and BS/BBA Business
- AS Diversified Studies and BS Occupational Safety
- AS Diversified Studies and BA Applied Liberal Arts
- AS Mathematics and BS Actuarial Science, BS Mathematics-Statistics, and BS Mathematics
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education-Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education-Special Education-Severe/Profound Disabilities
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education-Early Childhood Education
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education-Elementary Education
- List of Renewed Transfer Agreements with UCO Changes for 2019-2020
- AA Visual Arts and BA Art Education
- AA Diversified Studies and BA English Education
- AA History and BA History-Museum Studies
- AA French and BA French Education
- AA Spanish and BA Spanish Education
- AA Music and BM Ed Music-Instrumental Education
- AA Music and BM Ed Music-Vocal Education
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing and BS Nursing
- AA Visual Arts and BA Art Education
- List of Renewed Transfer Agreements with No Changes for 2019-2020
- AA Visual Arts and BFA Art Studio
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Fashion Marketing
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS General Studies
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Organizational Leadership
- AA History and BA History
- AS Engineering and BS Electrical Engineering
- AS Engineering and BS Mechanical Engineering
- AS Engineering and BS Engineering Physics
- AA Humanities and BA English
- AA Humanities and BA English Creative Writing
- AA Humanities and BA Humanities
- AA Humanities and BA Philosophy
- AA Humanities and BA Technical Writing
- AA French and BA French
- AA Spanish and BA Spanish
- AA Music and BA Music
- AA Music and BM Music-Jazz Performance
- AA Music and BM Music-Percussion Performance
- AA Music and BM Music-Piano Performance
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology-Human Services
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology-Substance Abuse Studies
- AA Visual Arts and BFA Art Studio
2018-2019 Catalog Year
- AA French and BA French and BAEd French Ed; AA Spanish and BAEd Spanish Ed
- AA Art-Visual Arts and BA Art Education
- AA Humanities and BA Technical Writing; AA Diversified Studies and BA English Education
- AA Music and BMEd Instrumental Education, Vocal Education; BM Vocal Performance
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology, Human Services, Substance Abuse Studies
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Organizational Leadership
- AS Biology and BS Biology, Medical Laboratory Science, Biomedical Science
- AS Biology-Pre-Nursing and BS Nursing
- AS Business and BBA Majors and BS Accounting
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry, ACS Certificate, Health Sciences
- AS Computer Science and BS Computer Science; BS Computer Science-Applied; BS Computer Science-Information Science
- AS Engineering and BS Engineering-Electrical, Mechanical, Physics
- AS Mathematics and BS Math-Actuarial Science
- AS Pre-Education and BS Ed in Special Education-Mild and Severe
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education-Early Childhood and Elementary
- List of Renewed Transfer Agreements for 2018-2019
- AA Visual Arts and BFA Art-Studio
- AS Computer Science and BS Software Engineering
- AA Humanities and BA Humanities and BA Philosophy; AA/AS Diversified Studies and BA-Applied Liberal Arts
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Fashion Marketing
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS General Studies;
AS Diversified Studies and BS Industrial Safety - AA History and BA History;
AA History and BA History-Museum Studies - AA Humanities and BA English; AA Humanities and BA English-Creative Writing
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics;
AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics-Statistical - AA Music and BA Music;
AA Music and BM Music-Jazz Performance;
AA Music and BM Music-Percussion Performance;
AA Music and BM Music-Piano Performance - AA Spanish and BA Spanish
2017-2018 Catalog Year
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS General Studies, AS Diversified Studies and BS Industrial Safety, AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Organizational Leadership
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Fashion Marketing
- AA History and BA History and BA History-Museum Studies
- AA Humanities and BA English, BA English-Creative Writing, BA Technical Writing; AA Diversified Studies and BAEd-English Education
- AA Humanities and BA Humanities and BA Philosophy; AA/AS Diversified Studies and BA-Applied Liberal Arts
- AA Modern Languages-French and BA French and BA French Education; AA Modern Languages-Spanish and BA Spanish and BA Spanish Education
- AA Music and BA Music, BMEd-Instrumental Education, BM-Jazz Performance, BM-Percussion Performance, BM-Piano Performance, BMEd-Vocal Education, BM-Vocal Performance
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology, BA Sociology-Human Services, BA Sociology-Substance Abuse Studies
- AA Visual Arts and BFA Art-Studio Art, BAEd-Art Education
- AS Biology and BS Biology, Biology-Medical Laboratory, Biology-Biomedical
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry, Chemistry-ACS Certificate, Chemistry-Health Sciences
- AS Computer Science and BS Computer Science, BS Computer Science-Applied, BS Computer Science-Information Science, BS Computer Science-Software Engineering
- AS Engineering and BS Engineering Physics-Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics, BS Mathematics-Statistics, BS Actuarial Science
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing-Science with Biology Concentration and BS-Nursing
- AS in Pre-Education and BS Education-Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities and BS Special Education-Severe-Profound/Multiple Disabilities
- AS in Pre-Education and BS Education-Early Childhood Education and BS Education-Elementary Education
2025-2026 Catalog Year
2024-2025 Catalog Year
2022-2023 Catalog Year
- AA in DS to BS in Ed (French)
- AA in DS to BS in Ed (German)
- AA in DS to BS in Ed (Spanish)
- AS in Math to BS in Math Ed.
- AS in DS to BS in Science Ed (EarthScience)
- AS in Math to BS in Mathematics Ed
- AS in Pre-Ed to BS in Elementary Ed
- AS in Pre-Ed to BS in Early Childhood Ed
- AS in Pre-Ed to BS in Special Ed
- AS in DS to BS in Physical Science Ed
- AS in DS to BS in Science Ed – Physics
- AS in Biology to BS in Science Ed (Biological Sciences)
- AS in DS to BS in Science Ed – Biological Science
- AS in Chemistry to BS in Science Ed (Chemistry)
- AS in DS to BS in Science Ed – Chemistry
- AA in DS to BS in LAE
- AA in DS to BS in Social Studies Ed
2018-2019 Catalog Year
- AA Diversified Studies and BS Criminal Justice
- AA Humanities and BA Administrative Leadership
- AA Humanities and BA Liberal Studies
- AA Liberal Studies and BA Administrative Leadership
- AA Liberal Studies and BA Liberal Studies
- AA Liberal Studies and BA Lifespan Care Administration
- AA Liberal Studies and BS Criminal Justice
- AA or AS in Diversified Studies and BA in Administrative Leadership
- AA or AS in Diversified Studies and BA in Liberal Studies
- AA or AS in Diversified Studies and BA in Lifespan Care Administration
- AS Science with Mathematics Concentration and BS Mathematics
- AS Science with Biology Concentration and BS Biology
- AS Science with Chemistry Concentration and BS Chemistry
- AS Science with Physics Concentration and BS Physics
- AS Business and BS Business Administration
- AS Business and BA Economics
- AA Humanities – English Emphasis and BA English
- AA Broadcasting – Journalism and Broadcasting/Broadcasting Emphasis and BA Communications
- AA Journalism – Journalism and Broadcasting/Journalism Emphasis and BA Communications
- AA Public Relations – Journalism and Broadcasting/Public Relations Emphasis and BA Communications
- AA Music and BA Music
- AS Pre-Education and BS Early Childhood Education
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education of the Deaf
- AS Pre-Education and BS Elementary Education
- AA Speech and Theatre Arts – Theatre Option and BA Arts in Theatre Arts
- AA Art – Visual Arts and BA Arts
- AA History and BA History
- AA Political Science and BA Political Science
- AA Psychology and BS Psychology
- AA Political Science and BA Public Policy
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology
2020-2021 Catalog Year
- Articulation Agreements November 2020
- AAS Computer-Aided Technology-Geographic Information Systems and BA Cartography-Geotechniques
- AS Business and BS Accounting
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Allied Health and BS Biology
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Allied Health and BS Biology-Health Science
- AS Biology and BS Biology
- AS Biology and BS Biology-Clinical Laboratory
- AS Biology and BS Biology-Ecology
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Entrepreneurship
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Finance
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-General Business
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Management
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Marketing
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Management Information Systems
- AS Biology and BA Cartography-Geotechniques
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry-Biochemistry
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry-Teacher Certification
- AA Speech and Theatre-Theatre and BA Communication and Performance Studies-Musical Theatre Option
- AA Speech and Theatre-Theatre and BA Communication and Performance Studies-Theatre
- AA Speech and Theatre-Speech and BA Communication and Performance Studies
- AS Computer Science and BS Computer Science
- AS Pre-Education and BS Early Childhood Education
- AS Pre-Education and BS Elementary Education
- AA Humanities and BA English
- AA Humanities and BA English-Teacher Certification
- AS Biology and BS Environmental Health
- AS Diversified Studies and BS Human Development, Hospitality, and Food Science
- AA History and BA History
- AA History and BA History-Teacher Certification
- AA Sociology and BA Human Services Counseling-Aging
- AA Sociology and BA Human Services Counseling
- AA Sociology and BA Human Services Counseling-Rehabilitation
- AS Community/Public Health and BS Kinesiology
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BS Legal Studies
- AA Journalism and Broadcasting-Public Relations and BS Mass Communication-Advertising and Public Relations
- AA Journalism and Broadcasting-Public Relations and BS Mass Communication-Media Production
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics-Pre-Actuary
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics-Teacher Certification
- AA Music and BA Music-Instrumental
- AA Music and BA Music-Instrumental Teacher Certification
- AA Music and BA Music-Vocal
- AA Music and BA Music-Vocal Teacher Certification
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing and BS Nursing
- AS Physics and BS Physics
- AS Physics and BS Physics-Medical Physics
- AS Physics and BS Physics-Teacher Certification
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BA Political Science
- AS Pre-Pharmacy and BS Chemistry
- AA Psychology and BS Psychology
- AA Sociology and BS Social Work
2019-2020 Catalog Year
- Articulation Agreements November 2019
- AA History and BA History
- AA History and BA History Teacher Certification
- AA Humanities and BA English
- AA Humanities and BA English Teacher Certification
- AA Journalism and Broadcasting/Public Relations and BS Mass Communication-Advertising and Public Relations
- AA Journalism and Broadcasting/Public Relations and Mass Communication-Mass Media
- AA Music and BA Music Instrumental
- AA Music and BA Music Instrumental Teacher Certification
- AA Music and BA Music Vocal
- AA Music and BA Music Vocal Teacher Certification
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BS Legal Studies
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BS Political Science
- AA Psychology and BS Psychology
- AA Sociology and BA Human Services Counseling-Aging
- AA Sociology and BA Human Services Counseling
- AA Sociology and Bachelor of Social Work
- AA Speech and Theatre Arts-Theatre Option and BA Communication and Performance Studies-Musical Theatre Option
- AA Speech and Theatre Arts-Speech Option and BA Communication and Performance Studies
- AA Speech and Theatre Arts-Theatre Option and BA Communication and Performance Studies
- AAS Computer-Aided Technology/Geographic Information Systems to BA Cartography
- AS Biology and BS Biology
- AS Biology and BS Biology Teacher Certification
- AS Biology and BS Biology-Ecology
- AS Biology and BS Cartography-Geotechniques
- AS Biology and BS Environmental Health
- AS Business and BS Accounting
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Entrepreneurship
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Finance
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-General Business
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Management
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-Marketing
- AS Business and BS Business Administration-MIS
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry-Biochemistry
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry Teacher Certification
- AS Community/Public Health and BS Kinesiology
- AS Computer Science and BS Computer Science
- AS Diversified Studies and BS Human Development, Hospitality, and Food Science
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Allied Health and BS Biology
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Allied Health and BS Biology Health Science
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing and BS Nursing
- AS Pre-Education and BS Early Childhood Education
- AS Pre-Education and BS Elementary Education
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics/Pre-Actuary
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics Teacher Certification
- AS Physics and BS Physics
- AS Physics and BS Physics-Medical Physics
- AS Physics and BS Physics Teacher Certification
- AS Pre-Dentistry and BS Chemistry-Biochemistry
- AS Pre-Medicine and BS Biology
- AS Pre-Medicine and BS Biology-Molecular Biology
- AS Pre-Medicine and BS Chemistry
- AS Pre-Pharmacy and BS Chemistry
- Dual Admission Nursing
- AAS Nursing and BS Nursing
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing and BS Nursing
- AA History and BA History
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BA History/Pre-Law
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BS History/Pre-Law
- AA Political Science and BS Political Science
- AA Psychology and BA Psychology
- AA Psychology and BS Psychology
- AS Business and Bachelor of Business Administration
2022-2023 Catalog Year
2020-2021 Catalog Year
- AA Child Development and BS Family Life Education-Child Development
- AAS Child Development, AAS Child Development-Administrator and BS Family Life Education-Child Development
- AA Music and BM Music-Instrumental Performance, BM Ed Music Education
- AA Psychology and BA Psychology
- AS Biology and BS Biology-Medical Laboratory Science Updated
- AS Business and BS/BBA Business
- List of transfer agreements with UCO for 2020-2021
2019-2020 Catalog Year
- AA Political Science/Pre-Law and BA Political Science
- AA Music and BAT Audio Production
- AA Child Development and BS Family Life Education-Child Development
- AAS Child Development, AAS Child Development-Administrator and BS Family Life Education-Child Development
- AS Computer Science and BS Computer Science, BS Computer Science-Applied, BS Computer Science-Information Science, BS Software Engineering
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry, BS Chemistry-ACS Cert, BS Chemistry-Health Sciences
- AS Biology and BS Biology, BS Biology-Medical Laboratory, BS Biology-Biomedical Science
- AS Business and BS/BBA Business
- AS Diversified Studies and BS Occupational Safety
- AS Diversified Studies and BA Applied Liberal Arts
- AS Mathematics and BS Actuarial Science, BS Mathematics-Statistics, and BS Mathematics
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education-Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education-Special Education-Severe/Profound Disabilities
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education-Early Childhood Education
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education-Elementary Education
- List of Renewed Transfer Agreements with UCO Changes for 2019-2020
- AA Visual Arts and BA Art Education
- AA Diversified Studies and BA English Education
- AA History and BA History-Museum Studies
- AA French and BA French Education
- AA Spanish and BA Spanish Education
- AA Music and BM Ed Music-Instrumental Education
- AA Music and BM Ed Music-Vocal Education
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing and BS Nursing
- AA Visual Arts and BA Art Education
- List of Renewed Transfer Agreements with No Changes for 2019-2020
- AA Visual Arts and BFA Art Studio
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Fashion Marketing
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS General Studies
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Organizational Leadership
- AA History and BA History
- AS Engineering and BS Electrical Engineering
- AS Engineering and BS Mechanical Engineering
- AS Engineering and BS Engineering Physics
- AA Humanities and BA English
- AA Humanities and BA English Creative Writing
- AA Humanities and BA Humanities
- AA Humanities and BA Philosophy
- AA Humanities and BA Technical Writing
- AA French and BA French
- AA Spanish and BA Spanish
- AA Music and BA Music
- AA Music and BM Music-Jazz Performance
- AA Music and BM Music-Percussion Performance
- AA Music and BM Music-Piano Performance
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology-Human Services
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology-Substance Abuse Studies
- AA Visual Arts and BFA Art Studio
2018-2019 Catalog Year
- AA French and BA French and BAEd French Ed; AA Spanish and BAEd Spanish Ed
- AA Art-Visual Arts and BA Art Education
- AA Humanities and BA Technical Writing; AA Diversified Studies and BA English Education
- AA Music and BMEd Instrumental Education, Vocal Education; BM Vocal Performance
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology, Human Services, Substance Abuse Studies
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Organizational Leadership
- AS Biology and BS Biology, Medical Laboratory Science, Biomedical Science
- AS Biology-Pre-Nursing and BS Nursing
- AS Business and BBA Majors and BS Accounting
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry, ACS Certificate, Health Sciences
- AS Computer Science and BS Computer Science; BS Computer Science-Applied; BS Computer Science-Information Science
- AS Engineering and BS Engineering-Electrical, Mechanical, Physics
- AS Mathematics and BS Math-Actuarial Science
- AS Pre-Education and BS Ed in Special Education-Mild and Severe
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education-Early Childhood and Elementary
- List of Renewed Transfer Agreements for 2018-2019
- AA Visual Arts and BFA Art-Studio
- AS Computer Science and BS Software Engineering
- AA Humanities and BA Humanities and BA Philosophy; AA/AS Diversified Studies and BA-Applied Liberal Arts
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Fashion Marketing
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS General Studies;
AS Diversified Studies and BS Industrial Safety - AA History and BA History;
AA History and BA History-Museum Studies - AA Humanities and BA English; AA Humanities and BA English-Creative Writing
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics;
AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics-Statistical - AA Music and BA Music;
AA Music and BM Music-Jazz Performance;
AA Music and BM Music-Percussion Performance;
AA Music and BM Music-Piano Performance - AA Spanish and BA Spanish
2017-2018 Catalog Year
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS General Studies, AS Diversified Studies and BS Industrial Safety, AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Organizational Leadership
- AA/AS Diversified Studies and BS Fashion Marketing
- AA History and BA History and BA History-Museum Studies
- AA Humanities and BA English, BA English-Creative Writing, BA Technical Writing; AA Diversified Studies and BAEd-English Education
- AA Humanities and BA Humanities and BA Philosophy; AA/AS Diversified Studies and BA-Applied Liberal Arts
- AA Modern Languages-French and BA French and BA French Education; AA Modern Languages-Spanish and BA Spanish and BA Spanish Education
- AA Music and BA Music, BMEd-Instrumental Education, BM-Jazz Performance, BM-Percussion Performance, BM-Piano Performance, BMEd-Vocal Education, BM-Vocal Performance
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology, BA Sociology-Human Services, BA Sociology-Substance Abuse Studies
- AA Visual Arts and BFA Art-Studio Art, BAEd-Art Education
- AS Biology and BS Biology, Biology-Medical Laboratory, Biology-Biomedical
- AS Chemistry and BS Chemistry, Chemistry-ACS Certificate, Chemistry-Health Sciences
- AS Computer Science and BS Computer Science, BS Computer Science-Applied, BS Computer Science-Information Science, BS Computer Science-Software Engineering
- AS Engineering and BS Engineering Physics-Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics
- AS Mathematics and BS Mathematics, BS Mathematics-Statistics, BS Actuarial Science
- AS Pre-Baccalaureate Nursing-Science with Biology Concentration and BS-Nursing
- AS in Pre-Education and BS Education-Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities and BS Special Education-Severe-Profound/Multiple Disabilities
- AS in Pre-Education and BS Education-Early Childhood Education and BS Education-Elementary Education
- AA Diversified Studies and BS Criminal Justice
- AA Humanities and BA Administrative Leadership
- AA Humanities and BA Liberal Studies
- AA Liberal Studies and BA Administrative Leadership
- AA Liberal Studies and BA Liberal Studies
- AA Liberal Studies and BA Lifespan Care Administration
- AA Liberal Studies and BS Criminal Justice
- AA or AS in Diversified Studies and BA in Administrative Leadership
- AA or AS in Diversified Studies and BA in Liberal Studies
- AA or AS in Diversified Studies and BA in Lifespan Care Administration
- AS Science with Mathematics Concentration and BS Mathematics
- AS Science with Biology Concentration and BS Biology
- AS Science with Chemistry Concentration and BS Chemistry
- AS Science with Physics Concentration and BS Physics
- AS Business and BS Business Administration
- AS Business and BA Economics
- AA Humanities – English Emphasis and BA English
- AA Broadcasting – Journalism and Broadcasting/Broadcasting Emphasis and BA Communications
- AA Journalism – Journalism and Broadcasting/Journalism Emphasis and BA Communications
- AA Public Relations – Journalism and Broadcasting/Public Relations Emphasis and BA Communications
- AA Music and BA Music
- AS Pre-Education and BS Early Childhood Education
- AS Pre-Education and BS Education of the Deaf
- AS Pre-Education and BS Elementary Education
- AA Speech and Theatre Arts – Theatre Option and BA Arts in Theatre Arts
- AA Art – Visual Arts and BA Arts
- AA History and BA History
- AA Political Science and BA Political Science
- AA Psychology and BS Psychology
- AA Political Science and BA Public Policy
- AA Sociology and BA Sociology