7777 South May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73159
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Thu: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.*
*Please note the third Friday of every month the Office of Student Success Advising will open at 10 a.m.

Student Success Advising also provides support to students as they learn. We have online components but we also have on-campus resources as well. SSA has a variety of tips and study hacks to help you as you work to learn in your college courses.
Other topics include:
- Communicating Effectively with Your Instructor
- Saving My Semester
- Upgrading my GPA
- Making Your Time Count (In Class and Doing Homework)
- Organize 911
- Time Management
- Learning How You Learn Best
- Reading a College Textbook
- Note-Taking Tips & Strategies
- You Missed a Class – Now What?
- Common Test Taking Mistakes
- Test Taking Tips
- Tackling the Technology
- OCCC Labs and Centers
- OCCC Online Tutoring
- Glossary of College Terms
- OCCC General Education Requirements
- Health Professions Program Application Information
- Student Planning and Registration Guide
- Student Planning Instructional Videos
- Registration Add/Drop Dates
- Reading Course Codes
- Transfer Course Equivalency Resources
- Tips for Talking with Professors
Inspired to Teach offers qualified Oklahoma college students an opportunity to earn scholarships and benefits. Program participants may have the opportunity to earn up to $25,500 as they complete their Educator Preparation Program and teach in Oklahoma.
Learning Styles
A learning style refers to the way we prefer to get information from our environment. Nobody is exclusively one way or another, but many of us do have strong preferences. Understanding this can help us make adjustments if the information is presented in a way that is different from our predominant style.
Cognitive Styles
A cognitive style refers to the way we are hard-wired biologically to respond to different kinds of environmental stimuli. For example, biologically insensitive people need more stimulation in order to feel engaged. A biologically sensitive person may become easily overwhelmed if there is too much stimulation. These are important considerations because knowing your style can help you prepare for a class, job, vacation, etc., that may tax your coping skills.
Personality Assessments
Personality assessments measure aspects of our personalities that help us gain more understanding about how we function in different situation. These assessments are often a component of career exploration tools and can guide you to a career path and major that are a good fit for your specific strengths.