Student Success Advising Frequently Asked Questions
7777 South May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73159
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Thu: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.*
*Please note the third Friday of every month the Office of Student Success Advising will open at 10 a.m.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do You Encourage Students To Use The Online Services?
What Sort Of Documentation Do I Need To Have To Be Advised?
Why Do Students Visit Office of Academic Advising?
What Is The Procedure To Get Enrolled?
How Do I Get Into The Nursing Program?
I Am An International Student Who Wants To Take Credit Courses At OCCC Who Can I Talk To?
How Do I Know The Pre-Requisites For Each Class?
What Scores Do I Need To Get On The Act Or Accuplacer To Take College Level Courses?
What Documents Do I Need To Bring If I Am Transferring To Oklahoma City Community College?
How Do I Know What "Approved Electives" Are?
Q: What Are Zero Level Courses?
A: They are developmental classes designed to substitute for courses you may not have taken in high school. They will also refresh or build your skills if you have been out of school for a while. Zero level courses will count towards full-time status for financial aid or insurance benefits; however they do not count towards your GPA or degree program.
Q: Do You Encourage Students To Use The Online Services?
A: Yes! Students can save time and avoid long lines by utilizing the many online sources. Students can enroll, add or drop a class, check for class availability, learn the faculty member teaching a particular class, and view the current catalog, course schedule, and academic calendar online; and these are just a few of the services that can be found online.
Q: What Sort Of Documentation Do I Need To Have To Be Advised?
A: You need to bring your high school or GED transcripts and any college transcripts. Unofficial transcripts can be used to determine what classes you are eligible to take. If you have in date, Official Assessment score reports from another institution of higher learning, signed by a testing official from that institution, those may serve as placement documents which will exempt you from the placement test.
Q: Why Do Students Visit Office of Student Success Advising?
A: Students visit Office of Student Success Advising for various reasons, including:
- confirm or change their program / major
- request to be assigned to a faculty advisor
- get a degree check
- write a diversified studies contract
- obtain information on career exploration
- get help with course selections
- have their tests evaluated
- establish a personalized education plan
- get help with balancing school with life
Q: What Is The Procedure To Get Enrolled?
A: The procedure is as follows:
- Go to Admissions with a current photo ID and all official transcripts
- Go to Office of Academic Advising or Testing if necessary
- If tested, go to Office of Academic Advising to have the test interpreted.
- Apply for Financial Aid
- Select classes and fill out an enrollment form
- Enroll in the Registration area or online
- Pay fees by the fee payment deadline, listed on the academic calendar
- Get a student ID card and a parking decal from the Records desk in Admissions
Q: How Do I Get Into The Nursing Program?
A: Information on this can be found on the College' webpage at /health/nursing.html.
Q: I Am An International Student Who Wants To Take Credit Courses At OCCC. Who Can I Talk To?
A: Spencer Ryan, Director of International Student Services,, (405) 682-7538, or Brenda Affleje, Coordinator of International Student Services,, (405) 682-7884. They can assist with International Student Admissions procedures.
Q: How Do I Know The Pre-Requisites For Each Class?
A: You can view all course descriptions and pre-requisites in the college catalog and online through the Student Planning System.
Q: What Scores Do I Need To Get On The ACT Or Accuplacer To Take College Level Courses?
A: Information about test scores and minimum criteria for classes can be confusing and complicated. You need to talk with a professional advisor in person in Office of Academic Advising about your specific situation and your test score interpretation; you may do this as a walk-in or make an appointment. More information can be found at /ACS/assessmentservices.html
A: The tests serve several purposes. First, Oklahoma City Community College has a commitment to helping students reach their academic and career goals. One way to do this is by placing students in the most appropriate classes for their skill levels. Each course has minimum skill requirements in reading, writing and/or math. The tests help us place students in classes where they will be most successful. Secondly, some students may have curricular deficiencies because they did not have certain high school classes. The tests may help clear some of these deficiencies if the student's skill level is high enough. Finally, there is an Oklahoma State Regents requirement that colleges and universities have assessment information on file.
Q: I Plan To Transfer To Another College To Attain My Bachelor's Degree. How Do I Know What Courses To Take?
A: Contact the university that you will be transferring to and request their catalog or other information concerning their degree programs. Although we can offer general guidelines, that school has the final say as to which classes they will accept as a transfer credit.
Access the Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education web site for more transfer information at
Q: What Documents Do I Need To Bring If I Am Transferring To Oklahoma City Community College?
A: Admissions will ask you for official copies of your high school and college transcripts. Office of Academic Advising will also need copies for placement purposes, but they do not have to be official transcripts. Placement cannot be made without testing, your transcripts, or both. If you have in date, Official Assessment score reports from another institution of higher learning, signed by a testing official from that institution, those may serve as placement documents which will exempt you from the placement test. We need documentation on file before we can enroll you in classes, especially those having prerequisites.
A: In order to change your major, you need to visit the Office of Academic Advising and meet with an advisor.
Q: How Do I Know What "Approved Electives" Are?
A: Check the program description in the college catalog. If you do not find what you need there, contact your faculty advisor or your division office. There is a list on pages 38 and 39 of the electives in the current catalog.
A: The following website will walk you through this process. GPA Calculators.