Dear Students, Faculty, Staff, Adjuncts, and Retirees:
On behalf of the Board of Regents, I am pleased to announce the search for the next President of Oklahoma City Community College. The selection of the president is the Board’s responsibility, and one we take very seriously. This is the only position at the College that is hired and evaluated by the Board, and we are committed to finding a new president who has the requisite skills and experience as to move OCCC forward. To this end, the Regents have been hosting listening sessions to gather feedback from members of the College community regarding the future of the College and what characteristics you’d like to see in our next president. This information will be used by the Regents to enhance the Presidential Profile which is now in development. The Presidential Profile is a key document in a presidential search because it lets candidates know the expectations of the institution and it is a guiding tool for the Regents to use both in the selection of candidates to interview and in the final selection of the new president.
We have selected the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) to assist us with the presidential search process. ACCT has conducted over 400 community college searches and brings a wealth of information and expertise to our process. ACCT’s mission is to strengthen community college governance through education, advocacy, and service. Narcisa Polonio, Ed.D., ACCT Executive Vice President for Research, Education and Board Leadership Services will coordinate the search in conjunction with Laurie Savona, Ed.D., Operations Officer for Search Services. Information pertaining to ACCT searches can be found at
Dr. Savona will visit our College on Thursday, February 19 and she will facilitate three open forums in the Al Snipes Board Room from 9:30 to 10:30 am; 12:30 to 1:30 pm; and 2:30 to 3:30 pm. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Dr. Savona will talk briefly about the search process itself, and then solicit your thoughts on the College’s short- and long-term priorities and the ideal characteristics of the new president. These additional comments will be collected and shared with the Regents in the form of a draft Presidential Profile. The Regents will hold a special meeting on Thursday, February 26th to review, revise and approve a final Presidential Profile and a timeline for the remainder of the process. Once approved, the Profile will be posted on the College’s website, and applications will be accepted for internal candidates only at until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 4, 2015. The Regents will begin their review on March 5. Please note that candidate confidentiality is very important to the search process. Confidentiality pertains both to the Regents, candidates and prospective candidates. Prospective candidates must not disclose the fact of their candidacy, and Regents will not share information about applicants. If a new president is selected from this search, an announcement will be shared and an opportunity for a welcoming reception will be offered. All dates after February 26, 2015 are subject to approval by the Board of Regents at the special meeting on February 26, 2015.
Should the internal search not result in a placement, ACCT will continue to assist the Regents with a national search.
We will keep you informed throughout the process.
Should you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to our ACCT Search Consultants, Dr. Narcisa Polonio at or 202-276-1983 or Dr. Laurie Savona at or 202-595-4300.
Regent Teresa Moisant
Chair, OCCC Board of Regents